Announcement of a training camp in the field of VMware cloud computing (8th July 2023)
The Libyan Academy for Telecom and Informatics, Misrata, intends to organize a training camp in the field of VMware cloud computing.
Interested ones are encouraged to register in the camp and are advised to study the free training programs at the following links:
- Getting Started in IT ( )
- Cloud and Virtualization Concepts ( )
- Software-Defined Storage Concepts ( )
- Network Virtualization Concepts ( )
After studying these programs, a written exam will be conducted to select the required number of trainees. The date of the written exam will be Saturday, 8th July, and the exam locations will be announced at a later time.
Accepted students will be trained in three camps in the following main cities:
Tripoli, Benghazi, and Misrata.
Training will begin in the camp on Sunday 16th July 2023 in the three camps and will last for 45 days.
Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your skills and gain the knowledge needed to succeed in this digital age. Prepare now to get a seat in this distinguished training program with international companies.
We are also pleased to announce the opening of registration for the training camp in the field of cloud computing via the following link:
نموذج التحاق بالمخيم التدريبي في مجال الحوسبة السحابية