Libyan Academy For Telecom and Informatics

Libyan Academy for Telecom And Informatics

why Libyan Academy for Telecom and Informatics?

Chairman’s message

The project to establish the Academy
Libyan Telecom and Informatics is one of the most important strategic projects undertaken by the Telecom Holding Company at this stage. It has a positive impact on building the human capacities necessary for companies in the sector and all
Institutions and companies in the country in the fields of communications and information technology. It aims toward the preparedness of human capabilities for labor market requirements and entering the stage of digitization. It will also work on the localization of digital technologies and everything related to the requirements of digital transformation.

Prof.Majdi Ali Altumi AlShebani



Our mission

Building human capacities with distinct skills and competencies in the field of communications and informatics that keep pace with technical developments and work on creating Technical solutions through research, development, and innovation in partnership with pioneers locally and globally.

The role of the Academy in the Telecommunications sector

Stimulate the sector

Direct and/or indirect contribution to the continuity and sustainability of the development and growth of the ICT sector in Libya.

Regulation of standards

Commitment to common standards, especially those related to qualifications, education, and training for the telecommunications and information technology sector, to ensure greater conformity and transparency.

Competency matching

More specifically with regard to the needs of the human funding, matching supply with demand effectively in the telecommunications and information technology sector with the competencies required by the sector.

Skills development

Ensuring that the potential Libyan workforce have sufficient skills and professionalism to become productive partners in the development of the ICT sector

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بحث أوجه التعاون مع وزير العمل والتأهيل

بحث رئيس مجلس الإدارة بالأكاديمية الليبية للاتصالات والمعلوماتية “د.مجدي علي التومي الشيباني” مع وزير العمل والتأهيل بحكومة الوحدة الوطنية “م.علي العابد الرضا” آليات اعتماد البرامج التدريبية الخاصة بالأكاديمية وذلك بالتنسيق مع مركز ضمان الجودة والمعايرة المهنية لضمان أن تكون مخرجات التدريب وفق المعايير الوطنية والدولية

وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن الأكاديمية بصدد التجهيز للعديد من الدبلومات والبرامج التدريبية المختلفة والتي ستشرع في تنفيذها بعد شهر رمضان المبارك