Libyan Academy For Telecom and Informatics

Lecture on the role of the telecommunications sector in digital transformation (April 2022)

Lecture on the role of the telecommunications sector in digital transformation (April 2022)

During the activities of the Ramadan Cultural Season of the College of Industrial Technology in Misrata, a lecture entitled “The Telecommunications Sector and its Role in Digital Transformation” was held on Thursday 21st April 2022 in which the lecture was delivered by the following professionals:

Prof. Dr. Majdi Ashibani, the Chairman of LATI, Misurata
Mr. Abdul Basit Salem Al-Baour. the
Chairman of CITRA
Eng. Muhammad Ali Balras Ali.

Mr. Abdul Basit Al-Baour, the Chairman of CITRA, delivered his thoughtful speech opening the lecture by clarifying the concept of digital transformation, which has become a necessity for all institutions and companies in the public and private sectors, and that what steps should be taken to make these institutions competitive and relevant with increasing digital world.

Then, Prof. Dr. Majdi Ashibani, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Libyan Academy for Telecom and Informatics, delivered his speech highlighting the most important challenges whole Libya is facing in digital transformation and what are the steps that must be implemented by decision-makers to contribute to accelerating digital transformation, and accordingly, the Libyan Post, Communications and Information Technology Holding Company has established the Libyan Academy for Telecom and Informatics to be an important tribute in the process of digital transformation through the training and advisory programs that it would provide in this field.

Mr. Er. Mohamed Balras Ali, the Chairman of Hatif Libya, pointed out that Hatif Libya is continuing to establish a fibre optic communication network, which will contribute to all digital transformation programs that we all seek to achieve.

At the end of the lecture, the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. “Abdul Hamid Al-Sharif”, handed over appreciation certificates to the lecturers.