The First Meeting of the Board of Directors of LATI in 2023
The Board of Directors of LATI held its first meeting on Saturday the 4th of February 2023 in the Meeting Hall of the Academy headed by Prof. Dr. Majdi Ali Al-Toumi Al- Ashibani, Chairman of the Board of Directors, in presence of the members of the Board, and the Chairman and the members of the Control Committee. The following points were the major issues discussed in the meeting:
- Review of the Academy’s Activities Report for the year 2022.
- Review of the estimated budget of the Academy for the year 2023.
- Review and Adoption of the draft agreements to be concluded with the following institutions:
-Draft memorandum of understanding with the General Staff of the Libyan Army.
-Draft cooperation agreement with the Attorney General’s Office.
-Draft cooperation agreement with the International Arab Society of Certified Accountants.
-Draft memorandum of understanding and cooperation with the Libyan Center for Strategic and National Security Studies.
-Draft cooperation protocol with the International Council for Quality and Standards GQS.
-Draft agreement with Al-Bareeq Center for Training and Development.
- Discussion on new businesses.
The attendees recommended a set of recommendations and decisions, and the meeting ended at 1:30 p.m. on the same day.